Verified Reviews for The Omlet Peck Toy
So Far Very Happy
I’ve only had a couple of weeks so I can’t speak to the durability over time but the construction is solid and my girls enjoy it.
Review for: Pendant Peck Toy
This reviewer has 6-8 Multiple Hens pets
Poppy peck toy
Got this to divert wood pigeons from small bird feeders and to ration their food. Worked a treat so have ordered more!
Review for: Poppy Peck Toy
This reviewer has 4-6 pets
Great source of fun
This pecking toy is a great source of fun and games for my hens. It appears to amuse them for hours whilst also keeping an eye on their portion sizes for daily treats. Scatterring treats on the ground only lasts a short while and they get bored looking for more.
My hens love it and so do I
Review for: Poppy Peck Toy
This reviewer has 2-4 Bluebells and Rhode pets
My chicken love it!!
I was looking for a product that would keep the chicken entertained. My hens caught on very quick how to get treats from the Poppy Peck Toy. I love that a little falls out at a time so it does not empty so fast and last longer.
Review for: Poppy Peck Toy
This reviewer has 10+ silver laced & gold pets
Loftus Ladies Love It!
My rescue hens (the Loftus Ladies) love this toy, and really enjoy pecking it to release the mixed corn I fill it with. It provides stimulation and reward and so glad I purchased.
Review for: Pendant & Poppy Peck Toy - Twin Pack
This reviewer has 8-10 pets
Fab fun
These are so well made, solid and lots of fun for our Welbar girls. Highly recommend item and Omlet.
Review for: Pendant Peck Toy
This reviewer has 6-8 Welbr pets
I bought after watching someone in a YouTube video recommend it.
My chickens really love this feeder/toy.
Review for: Pendant Peck Toy
This reviewer has 2-4 Road Island Reds pets
My chickens are in a confined run so I wanted to provide some entertainment this winter. They love these things! I bought two so everyone could partake. I fill them with black soldier fly larvae and scratch and they will peck it until it's empty. Awesome toy.
Review for: Poppy Peck Toy - Twin Pack
This reviewer has 10+ Plymouth barred rock pets
I love this toy and so do the chickens. Been filling it with cracked corn and the love pecking at it and pecking at the corn that falls on the ground. Well worth it!
Review for: Pendant Peck Toy
This reviewer has 4-6 white leghorn, black pets
great idea
I have not put it in my coop yet because I have not put the chicks in the coop as they are still babies. I am sure they will enjoy the peck toy, as they seem to notice everything around them now.
Review for: Pendant Peck Toy