Did you know that they are neither pigs, nor did they come from Guinea, or cost a guinea (an old British coin worth £1.05)? The name pig most likely came from their shape, and also from the endearing squeaking noises that they make. The scientific name for the guinea pig is Cavia porcellus , and porcellus means little pig in Latin. This is also why you may hear of them being referred to as Cavies. Read on to find out more fascinating facts about these delightful pets.
Customer Images

Claire, 9 October 2021
To anyone who's looking to buy a guinea pig please buy two guinea pigs as they are social animals. My eldest guinea pigs are currently 8 years old and I have owned guinea pigs for over 10 years. Don't bathe you guinea pigs unless advised buy you vet as there skin is very sensitive. Make sure you feeding them 75% hay 10% pellets and the rest veggies that supplement vitamin c please do you research before buying a pet. Guinea pigs can be timid but if you spend time with them they are friendly creatures.
Jennifer, 28 March 2021
Guinea pigs need a least one friend for theyre here animals. They do not like to be in water, so please no pools. They need vitamin c for they dont produce it. Please provide via food and not suppliment. Feed them 70% hay 10% pellets and rest fresh veggies.
Ioulita, 2 March 2021
Do they like being bathed? If yes would it be nice to have a little paddle pool in the cage for it?
Alisa, 16 May 2020
How do you clip their claws/nails?
Meghan, 10 May 2020
I would like to buy a Baby mail Peruvian guinea pig.