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Verified Reviews for Eglu Go Rabbit Hutch

Christmas present - time will tell...
SUMMARY Great product so far, and time will tell. We have 1 female rabbit and bought the 2m run with hutch, tunnel, wheels and handle. We intend to attach the Omlet run to our existing non-Omlet run. OUR RABBIT REQUIREMENTS We live in Canberra, Australia. I wanted a rabbit hutch where our bunny would be safe and not bored. Safe from predators (snakes, foxes and feral cats) and from escaping (our Angora is a committed Houdini!), but also from mosquitoes and from the 40 degree heat in summer and the below zero temps in winter. I think the 2m run + hutch delivers on the predator and escape artistry side of things. I'm not sure it will deliver on keeping her cool during summer though, we'll definitely not be able to leave her in the hutch overnight - she will over heat for sure. I'm absolutely sure she will need to continue to be brought inside before sunset to protect her from disease carrying mosquitoes - something I had hoped we wouldn't need to do. Perhaps there is an opportunity here for Omlet to design wire/aluminium mosquito netting to install to the runs - I'll leave this idea with your design team. This kind of design spec/accessory would certainly add another star to my rating! ASSEMBLY I would recommend watching the assembly videos first before attempting to assemble your rabbit run. The hutch is fairly straight forward with guidance from the paper manual only. The run is more complex and complicated. For example, I didn't watch the video so when it came to adding the end section I found my sides didn't match the bottom so I couldn't install my triangle sections. This meant I had to fix every single side connection to move the bottom section. This meant it took me 2 whole days to assemble! Very frustrating! Had I watched the assembly video first and then used the manual, things would've been so much easier and quicker. DURABILITY With the Australian climate (heat, sun etc.) it will be interesting to see how long the plastic hutch and run connections last before they succumb to brittleness and break down. Lucky for us, we don't really need to worry about rust, but I would think anyone more coastal would need to consider this. Is the wire run made of galvanised wire? It is coated, but is it galvanised? TUNNEL I've yet to assemble and attach the tunnel to our run and existing rabbit enclosure. I have watched the assembly video first this time and glad I did. I was keen to understand how I attached the tunnel to the run and to my existing non-Omlet enclosure. I couldn't find any information about specific parts to purchase to attach the Omlet tunnel to the non-Omlet enclosure, thinking there would be. On watching the video I now realise I have to cut a square in 1 of the Omlet run panels and in my non-Omlet enclosure panels. While this is not a problem, it is quite frustrating the lengths I had to go to to find this information. Had I known/discovered/researched this when first ordering my Omlet hutch, run and tunnel, I probably would have added an extra 2 run panels to my first order! Now I have to either make do or order them separately and be up for double shipping costs. This is quite annoying. It would be a point of difference for you to clearly outline your products are modular and can be adapted easily to pair with non-Omlet products with simple advice on what is needed to help with the adaptions. I have had to look at various images uploaded by other customers to come up with my own design and figure out what parts and accessories I need - some I'll now have to order from Omlet and some I'll have to buy from my local hardware store - perhaps another opportunity for accessories.
Review for: Eglu Go Rabbit Hutch with 4m Run Package - Leaf Green
This reviewer has 1 Long hair Angora rab pets
Omlet response:
Hi Tam and Savannah, Thank you for your detailed feedback. Our runs typically receive a preliminary 'E-coating' followed by a Polyethylene (plastic) powder coating for a durable, anti-corrosive finish. E-Coating involves dipping the metal part into a bath of water-based emulsion. An electrostatic charge is then applied to the part which gradually condenses the paint onto the surface to form a fine, even coating. Powder/Plastic coating is a process where fine polymer particles are sprayed onto the metal part under an electrostatic charge, which attracts the polymer to the metal. The coated part is then oven-cured where the PE powder melts onto the metal, forming a smooth plastic skin once cooled. The easiest way to configure your tunnel to be attached to your own enclosure is by using our configurator on the Zippi Tunnel page of our website. Once you selected the items you wish, all the necessary elements will automatically appear in your basket. Then, the assembly process is explained in the manuals that you receive, and in our instruction videos as well. Nevertheless, your feedback is crucial to us and it has been passed on to the appropriate teams for further review. Don't hesitate to contact us by phone or email for any further information. Yours, Omlet Customer Services team
Nice product
Im satisfied w the rabbit hutch. Only improvement (as it’s expensive) would be better instructions for the extension portion. And, better quality hardware.
Review for: Eglu Go Rabbit Hutch with 3m Run Package - Leaf Green
This reviewer has 2-4 pets
Great for our busy bunnies
Amy, Wisconsin,
I love how easy to clean this is! We’ve had it for one fall, winter and now spring. We have three outdoor bunnies and they didn’t have any issues this winter. I stuff the hutch with straw and they make a burrow. We have not had an issue with predators. Four stars just because how easily the clips break when moving it, more so in the winter. Zip ties seem to work better for repairs but I do worry about the bunnies nipping the zip ties.
Review for: Eglu Go Rabbit Hutch with 4m Run Package - Leaf Green
This reviewer has 2-4 Lops pets
Great run but difficult to put together and take apart
I love this run and hutch combination! Perfect for my bunny, he loves it and the 360 cage gives me peace of mind knowing he can't burrow out and predators can't get in. However, the instructions are really unclear for the run and it is rather fiddly to put together. I recently moved and taking the run apart and putting it together again was not very fun!
Review for: Eglu Go Rabbit Hutch with 2m Run Package - Purple
This reviewer has 1 pets
rabbit hutch
I found it extremely hard to put together. Maybe numbering each part would help. Also the top mesh part that curves we were given 2 of the same side. Had to get hubby to bend one so it would fit the other side. It looks really good. I havent used it yet due to rain. I think it will be great.
Review for: Eglu Go Rabbit Hutch with 2m Run Package - Leaf Green
This reviewer has 2-4 Rabbit pets
Omlet response:
Hi Lorene, Thank you for your feedback, it has been passed onto our Product Design Team who will be working on improving the instructions manuals. We would recommend you to have a look at our instruction videos as well. They are made in a different way compared to our manuals, and they might be helpful as a complement. You can find them here. You can also always give us a call or send us an email if you need any further assistance, our Customer Service Team is always happy to help with any request. Yours, The Omlet Customer Service Team
Good features
We previously had a double storey wooden hutch with a large run which needed replacing as it was getting worn. The eglu and run was a downsize from what our two dwarf rabbits had had so initially I felt a bit guilty swapping it out for this. The eglu and run are however well designed and the rabbits do seem settled. Ergonomically it's much easier to clean with the pull out tray which is much easier on the back and means the kids can help easily too with the cleaning. The shape of the run means rain water no longer settles on the run cover and just glides off which is great. We bought the full run cover which is really good quality and we've left it on permanently as the shape of the run still gives plenty of daylight and the right amount of shade. We've been able to move the eglu and run around the lawn which means the rabbits always have grass to graze on now which is a big plus. I like the hay feeder and water bottle are out of the light so stay cool and fresh for longer. I did think the water bottle was leaking and ordered a replacement which also leaked but then customer services explained I needed to fill the bottle to the top and shake out any air bubbles which did the trick. You do need to keep on top of cleaning the eglu daily though as the eglu is a compact size with sleeping and eating all in one are a and our rabbits do poop and pee a lot when eating. We also switched from using sawdust to carefresh as the sawdust got inside the grooves. The product is well made but if it was cheaper I would have bought it a few years ago when I first looked at it. The instructions to put it together are useless and took longer than the estimate, thankfully my 13 year old figured it out.
Review for: Eglu Go Rabbit Hutch with 2m Run Package - Leaf Green
This reviewer has 2-4 Netherland dwarfs pets
Awesome hutch but average after sales care
The hutch is absolutely fantastic. So much better than the more traditional one we had. Our rabbit is much healthier and happier now. However we were missing a couple of parts and still haven't had a response to my email, this is especially disappointing since the hutch came really quickly.
Review for: Eglu Go Rabbit Hutch with 2m Run Package - Leaf Green
This reviewer has 1 Rabbit pets
Omlet response:
Hi Meredith, Thank you very much for taking the time to leave us a review. We are happy to hear that you find the hutch fantastic. We are sorry to read that some parts are missing. I was not able to locate your previous email. I sent you a new message to your email address to ask you what parts are missing, to be able to offer you a quick resolution to this issue. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. Best Regards, Clemence Omlet Customer Service
Great product
Loving my eglu. I have 4 Guinea pigs in it and they are loving it too. Easy to clean out with the removable tray. Not the easiest thing to build but did it singlehandedly. Would recommend. Don't know if it would be warm enough in the winter but as I house them inside in the winter this is not an issue.
Review for: Eglu Go Rabbit Hutch with 2m Run Package - Leaf Green
This reviewer has 2-4 pets
Great rabbit home
Its too nice to call a hutch ! Great product, my bunnies love it. The lady on the YouTube video makes putting it together look really easy but its not as easy as it looks. It took us about 3 hours to put together. I also bought the rain cover which is a must as bunnies can't get wet. My bunnies like to sit just outside of the hutch at the start of the 2 meter run. They are a pain to get in on frosty evenings as we want them to go in but they want to stay out! We are too big to fit into the bottom of the 2 meter run and we can't reach them from outside of the hutch part the the hutch is quite deep. We've had to order side doors to go onto the run part and we intend to put them near to the hutch swing door so we can reach in and pick them up. This is of course extra cost on an already pricy item. Its a shame the doors aren't already built into them. My daughter and I are adults so we can't crawl into the run and pick them up. Along with ordering two more openings to put into our 2 meter run we have also bought a tunnel and wheels so we can move the hutch part around for cleaning purposes as it is quite heavy. The items do take quite some time from ordering to arrive. We are still waiting for our tunnel and wheels, its been about a month now. So remember the bunnies are not like dogs who will come to you when you call their names. Ours like staying out and catching them as we are adults is tricky as the runs are long and adults can't fit into the bottom door of the run. I do feel this product would have been better if it had openings along one side. We have put fake grass along our run so the bunnies aren't running around on the wires from the bottom of the cage. Our bunnies are on our patio so we can sweep the poop away more easily. Something I wasn't aware off too is that you should only clean the rabbits out twice a week. The vet said bunnies eat their own poop so by cleaning them daily could be dangerous for them as they digest their food twice, We sweep the poop into a corner of the run so its not everywhere. I also rinse the fake grass daily as it does get a bit smelly with the bunny pee. All in all I do love the product. Our bunnies palace has cost a small fortune but you can tell by the build of it it will last for years and not leak like wooden hutches.
Review for: Eglu Go Rabbit Hutch with 2m Run Package - Leaf Green
This reviewer has 2-4 Normal rabbits pets
Amazing product
I was a little put off by how many pieces the run come in. It took me 2 hours to put together and I was concerned at the stability of it to begin with. BUT. The whole thing has been up and together housing our neverland dwarfs for a month. They are living their best life and the hutch and run combo is so practical and has stood up to some really high winds proving my fears unfounded. No one has managed to dig out of the run despite a love for digging and the bunnies are lovely and warm in their pod! Overall well worth the money for keeping these guys warm through the winter!
Review for: Eglu Go Rabbit Hutch with 2m Run Package - Leaf Green
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