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Comments for Keeping Different Birds Together

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Tanya, 10 January 2019

I've kept a single female Zebra finch. She bonded to me and would fly to greet me when I came home. She always wanted to sit on my shoulder and cuddle up to my neck. She would also answer me when I talked to her. She laid the cutest little eggs. I paid her a lot of attention and she lived happily with me for 6 years.

Amy, 8 December 2018

Hi, I'm new to finches and was wondering if I could keep a male and female canary with two society finches. The cage is 37" wide. Can I introduce them all at The same time? Thanks, Amt

Stan, 8 October 2018

The soil floor seems a good idea,but it could do with a wire-netting or twilweld base under it ,or RATS will eventually dig through and take your birds. Ive lost Peach faced lovebirds to rats in a similar setup.In the UK your seldom more than 20 feet from a rat!

Heather, 29 September 2018

I have recently began keeping budgies and now zebra finches. I have an outside aviary that began it's life as a tomato cage. It's 6ft tall by 20 feet or so. The bottom of the cage is soil about 20 inches deep and after they joyfully ate down my tomato plants, I've replaced them with different plants and small trees i thought they may enjoy. The unintentional beauty of this cage is the soil. The seeds fall and make sprouts. They love fresh greens. The dirt and rain ( only half is covered) filter and clean the cage. The birds fertilize thier own food. They love to eat insects and be on the ground. It also allows you to grow greenery up the sides. The soil bottom was a happy accident but I feel like it's really healthy for them and allows a more natural experience. Self cleaning makes the whole thing more enjoyable too. There is also zero smell. I've had them escape and come back so I guess they like it.

Sam, 24 July 2018

I had 3 society finches, 2 female and 1 male with a female Canary and she was quite aggressive towards them pecking at them. This was in a Double Wide Flight cage. Fortunately I noticed in time that she was pecking the underside of the male society finch. There was no blood on top so I didn't notice right away, but he was bloody underneath. Had to separate female Canary. I had 2 female canary in a cage with other finches but they became very aggressive towards each other and had to be separeated.

Patrick, 27 March 2018

A lot of really helpful information here. Thankyou

Fran, 24 January 2018

I had a budgie once who was BEST friends with a zebra finch. They were both males and often groomed each other. Thanks for the info!

Mike, 25 November 2017

I always find lots of interesting information on this site. Thank you!

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