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Comments for Budgie Eggs

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Rameez, 26 March 2019

I have bagies female laying egg but not fartaiel ?

Mauve, 24 March 2019

My female budgie laid two eggs about a month ago. After looking in the nest box I now only see part of an egg shell and one full egg (which she is sitting on). She would never allow the male into the box but has now let him in. What does this mean? And shouldn't the egg have hatched by now? Mauve

Donna, 13 March 2019

Hi, Will her eggs be ok if she is leaving them for small periods throughout the day? I have noticed in the past 2 days she has been leaving her eggs for 5-10 minutes, looks to be to interact with the male and other birds. Will the eggs still be ok? Thanks in advance

Donna, 13 March 2019

SANDY: I wondered about that myself, from everything I have read, (and I cleaned her cage and box) as long as you. wash your hand really good, and do not touch the eggs(i put on a rubber glove) they should be fine. I would clean the cage, around the eggs etc, as much as you can As well as long as they have fresh food water, mineral block etc, A dirty cage won't hurt them. I know it bothers us more than it bothers them!

Donna, 13 March 2019

FOR SHY: THis reply is for Shy: Hi Let her go in and out of her cage as usual, the best thing to do, is let nature take it's course, Not to interfere, only if the egg/eggs need to be removed If she is not sitting on the egg, I would throw it, From everything I've read, and what's been happing with my female, They know when they are ready and sometimes their hormones are not developed enough to create a healthy egg. I noticed mine, laid numerous eggs, then out of the blue she laid 3 and has been laying on them steady. So out of all her times, she chooses now. And chances are they may not even be healthy eggs.. If your female is not laying on her egg/eggs, do not try to make her. she will do this naturally. I hope this helps. I am new to the breeding of budgies, I do a lot of reading about it. If you need any advice I will try to offer what I can. Good-luck

April, 9 March 2019

Hello, my daughter has two budgies and they are breeding last year they had three eggs only one hatched, after the baby budgie reached mature age he climbed out of the box, we just made a cardboard box because we could find one at the store. We laid some paper towel on the bottom of the cage so it’s more comfortable, as the days pasted the baby still hasn’t started to walk we were worried, we looked up on it, he had something called “splayed legs” we tried to fix his legs by looking some things up on google. We still didn’t know what caused the problem but we found out either it was low calcium or the nest box was non grippy for the baby budgie. Now our hen has more eggs and we still have the same nest box, we are scared for the baby’s that will hatch, we want to switch the next box to a wooden one but she could get stressed and she might not like it any ideas for us?

Danessa, 3 March 2019

I have 2 budgies, I added a nesting box like 1 month ago. I have noticed that they started to make eggs but, I see that they all ready threw 2 out. They are cracked, but I am not sure if it was because they threw it out and it fell. We took the eggs out so it woulnt just be in the cage cracked. I am not sure what to do.

Shy, 26 February 2019

I didnt notice my budgies lay one egg coz my budgies lives outside the cage most of the time. Only one egg. Should i not let her get out of the cage? I made a small hatching box with cardboard coz i didnt see them sitting on the egg. What must i need to do? Please help..

Louise, 24 February 2019

My nesting mother, 5 eggs laid over about 10 days, has plucked all of the feathers from her chest and some off her back. Does this mean she is unwell, stressed or simply a nesting behaviour?

Sandy, 21 February 2019

I have a question. My female budgie has laid 3 eggs with no nesting box. I have out some cardboard and paper down. She doesn't use them, she will push her eggs where she laid them and perch her bottom up in the corner of the cash and sit in the eggs. My question is, can I still clean the cage from all the shells from the birdseed and all the dropping?! Or, will that make her deteor from her eggs?! Please help, first time for this happening it's been 6 days now with no cleaned cage, just clean water and food.

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