Comments for Budgie Feather Problems
Showing comments 41 to 50 of 59
Samantha, 26 June 2019
My budgie (female) has plucked her feathers around her neck, I don’t see her do this as I suspect she does it at night. She weighs 60g and has seen a vet who didn’t really know what to suggest. She lives on her own but I am always a round .
Jane, 14 June 2019
Hello, we have four budgies at home, but one of them doesn't seem to be growing. His sister has been fully grown for a month now, but he is still a baby. His beak doesn't seem to change colour. Why is this happening? Many Thanks.
Anna, 20 May 2019
Like Chloe, pictured above, one of our little chaps is having a rough time with his feathers. He's 2 years old and has always been a little patchy, his plumage has never been as full as his mate's but is otherwise in top shape and good spirits. They both have a full and varied diet, receive vitamin supplements and egg food during molts and have plenty of things to keep them busy. I would be interested in hearing more from Violet about the genetic defect she mentioned as I would love to get to the bottom of what is causing this. If you do read this comment, Violet, I'd really appreciate more information. Many thanks.
Morgan, 4 May 2019
Kayla - the cere issue might be Brown Hypertrophy.
Kayla, 2 April 2019
Hi I have a female parakeet along with 4 other males and she has a brown cere that seems a little dry and seems to have something that is extending from her cere to her beak. She doesn't seem sick or bothered she is a very happy bird...but stubborn and likes to hang by herself... but she is not as active as the other birds and the 3 other birds her same age are flying about the Cage but she doesn't...should we be worried something is wrong with these 2 concerns? We have had her and the other 3 for 8-9 months now and the other bird is newer but this was happening prior to getting the new parakeet. Just now started to notice the part the was extending from her cere onto her beak...can you help?! Thank you!!
Shakeel, 8 March 2019
I have budgie pair there's baby now six months old but the not able to crow full feather can you halo me about this
Ann-Louise, 5 March 2019
Hi We bought 2 baby budgies for Christmas (born October) we think one is female and one male. The smaller blue bird always has dead back feathers. He is otherwise happy and appears healthy. We think it’s caused from the larger yellow female but am not sure. Is this common with budgie pairs? Should I be concerned? I can send pictures if it will help.
Violet, 2 March 2019
Is it possible to contact Deedee from the picture of Chloe? I have a budgie just like hers which I just found out has a genetic defect on his body and would like to share information with her to see if the situations are similar.
Margaret, 19 February 2019
My budgi e keeps scratching his ear and makes it bleed. Is there anything I can do it be aware of. He is lovely enough. Thanks.
Helen, 29 June 2019
My budgie has been rubbing his head feathers, so much that they sometimes they bleed for the last month. Now he's sleeping most of the day. I've been bathing the top of his head in warm water. What else should I do?