Wherever you live, it’s likely that you’ll need to make your choice of chook based on the climate of the region, and of the space that you have. Below are some suggestions as to what chooks could be right for you, whether you live in a hot climate, a cool one, if you have a lot of space, or a little.
If you live in a part of Australia that gets pretty chilly in the winter time, then we suggest one of these breeds, that are slightly more hardy than the average chicken:
- Silkies
- Sussex
- Australorops

Australorps, a breed originating from Australia, are a very popular choice in the country
If you need some help and advice keeping your hens cool in the winter, then have a look at our page on chickens in extreme temperatures.
Hot climate
If you live in one of the many regions of Straya that experience some pretty scorching temperatures in the summer, then you might want to choose one of the following:
- Rhode Island Reds
- Leghorns
- New Hampshire Reds
Once again, if you need some advice on keeping your chooks safe in the hot Australian sun, then have a look at our page on keeping chickens in extreme temperatures.
Lots of space
If you have an ample backyard, or even own quite a lot of land, then essentially the choice as to what chickens you own is entirely up to you. The more room you give your hens to roam about in the better, as long as it is safe and protected. It’s always good to give them a nice, snug coop to return to though.
- Leghorns
- Ancona
- Houdans
Little space
If you only have a bit of outside space, then it might be best to choose a breed that doesn’t need quite as much space as some of their more active counterparts, such as Australorps.
Lisa, 18 September 2019
Hello, I would like to get your opinion on the best breed of chicken to get for my backyard? To give you an idea of what I am looking for I will give you an idea of where the two chickens will be housed. I live in the suburb of Lane Cove, Sydney. I have an average size backyard full of gardens and grass. The chickens will be kept in a coop during the night and roam free during the day. I would like to know a good breed that will cater for the climate, lay a couple of eggs per week and will be friendly with older children. They will be more like a pet. I'm pretty caring with animals so I understand they don't like damp areas, I need to cover them up during winter and they need to be kept cool during summer. I will supply the best nutritional food from the pet warehouse together with food scraps. Thank you