Campbells Ducks

Campbells History
Campbells Behaviour
Campbells Varieties
Campbells Pictures

Latest Reviews For Campbells (5 of 15)
They are tons of fun! They are Energetic,very good egg layers, funny, and exterminators - Steve,
Good overall pet - Vanessa,
We originally got 4 females during lock down as part of being self sustainable living whilst having pets best suited to outdoors. We have to get up early to let them out for forage, graze and top up their water or the alpha female quacks really loudly. We also have 2 younger ducklings male and female in a separate area. They are very nervous even though they have been handled since being 1 day old. I have one that will hiss and charge when I enter the coop to change the water and they dig holes everywhere. I must say though watching a duck eat a worn like spaghetti is rather amusing! They are fab at a routine, they know when I'm coming to let them out and when to go to bed.
Wonderful - Dave,
We had Khaki Campbells from day-old chicks...which just might've influenced how well they subsequently behaved...but they were amazing... They were enormously friendly birds, loved being picked up (except at bedtime!) and petted...superb layers...disdainfully saw off our cats and dogs...what else could you want?
Great layers - Charlotte, Cumbria,
Consistent layers of large blue eggs. If you are planning on keeping some as pets, I would recommend buying them as young ducklings as they will be a lot tamer and friendlier.
Lovely duck - Philip,
These are about the best duck i have ever kept. They are very friendly, lay good eggs every day and love their food especially bread as a treat. Plus they dont want to fly.
Breeder Clubs for Campbells
British Waterfowl Association
Telephone: 01892 740212
Domestic Waterfowl Club
Telephone: 01488 638014