Malay Chickens

Malay History
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Malay Varieties
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Malay For Sale
Latest Reviews For Malay (5 of 10)
Excellent - Shahriar,
I'm interested to buy some eggs of Malay breed. Please get in touch with me if you want to Sell.
Gallos malayos - Héctor,
Esta raza de aves me fascina por su apariencia y su gran tamaño
- Jesse,
if anyone has this breed for sale please i am after a cock or hen! my email is thanks
5 - Miguel,
One of a kind - Lucy,
These are my favourite breed of chicken. I have been breeding them for 6 years now, before i had standard Orpington's and peking etc... Although they are not fluffy they are very friendly birds if reared by yourself. Otherwise they are hard to tame. Mine live with a group of 10 other birds such as orpington, faverolles etc... as long you have space they are fine together. But they do tend to gang up on a particular bird now and then and is best to keep in a flock of there own kind, they get on perfectly with anyother animals such as geese. The hens i have are good egg layers for there breed laying every other day from beginning of February to late July. Easy to maintain never had any lice, but low success rate to breed and could keel over at any time. Overall brilliant bird with a amazing presence!