Lincolnshire Buff Chickens
Lincolnshire Buff History
Lincolnshire Buff Behaviour
Lincolnshire Buff Status
Lincolnshire Buff Pictures

Lincolnshire Buff For Sale
Latest Reviews For Lincolnshire Buff (4 of 4)
Absoloutely marvellous chicken - Helen,
I love chickens
Lovely birds - Alison,
Really enjoyed having a breeding pen of lincolnshire buffs and would highly recommend. Interested in having some more as sadly fox got mine last night. Does anyone have any spare?
Great birds who are docile and rare - Alison,
I have a trio of these lovely birds, who, altohugh they lay well at the beginning of the year, do not hatch well, so all chicks are a real bonus. Sage, Onion and Stuufing live with other birds happily on our smallholding and are now about 2 years old. I would recommend them as a good community bird, with no bad habits - as yet! Lincolnshires are fairly bomb proof so wintered well through the awful weather - I found that hot mash morning and night saved all my birds this year.
An excellent breed but not easy to find - David,
The Lincolnshire buff of today is as near to the original as it is possible to be, the breed as come on very well over the last 5 or 6 years. One thing the breed Must NOT have are feathered legs, any with feathered legs would be passed over on the Show Bench as not been to Standard, the 5 toes however are required. Look at The Lincolnshire Buff Poultry Society Web site. Come and join us. David Calvert, Vice Chairman.