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Eglu Go Hutch 2m Run with underfloor mesh

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The Eglu Go 2m Run with Underfloor Wire is perfect for your guinea pigs or rabbit to enjoy a wander around and some fresh air. The underfloor wire provides added protection, meaning you can relax knowing your pets are safe and secure! The biggest benefit of having a run attached to your hutch is your pet's freedom to go in and out as it pleases, according to its own routine. As a result, your pet will be happier, more relaxed and easier to handle. The Eglu house is NOT included

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Eglu Go Hutch 2m Run with underfloor mesh

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Room to run
Our two ladies recently had 11 babies. The run has provided heaps of space adn was relatively easy to assemble however we had an initial challenge with the guinea pigs babies escaping through the wire at the sides. perhpas the design should accomodate a mesh around he lower levels to prevent escapes as well as slithery predators like snakes!
Review for: Eglu Go Hutch 2m Run with underfloor mesh
This reviewer has 10+ Abyssinian and Ameri pets
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